
The Making of the New Testament: Origin, Collection, Text & Canon is unavailable, but you can change that!

The story of the making of the New Testament is one in which scrolls bumped across cobbled Roman roads and pitched through rolling Mediterranean seas, finally finding their destinations in stuffy, dimly lit Christian house churches in Corinth or Colossae. There they were read aloud and reread, handled and copied, forwarded and collected, studied and treasured. And eventually they were brought...

Pharisees. Jesus was accused of breaking the law by picking grain (Mt 12:1–8; Mk 2:23–28; Lk 6:1–5) and healing (Mt 12:9–14; Mk 3:1–6; Lk 6:6–11) on the sabbath. Similar confrontations arose over laws regulating purity, as in the case of washing one’s hands (Mt 15:1–20; Mk 7:1–23), and social intercourse with tax collectors and sinners (Mt 9:11). Other conflicts took place on issues such as paying taxes (Mt 22:15–22), the resurrection (Mt 22:23–33) and divorce (Mk 10:2–12). Matthew (Mt 23:1–36) and
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